Welcome to St John Lutheran Church

For more than 100 years St John Lutheran Church has proclaimed the love of God for all people as demonstrated through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That’s what you can expect to hear in the Divine Service at St John. We preach Christ crucified as the redeeming sacrifice that satisfies the debt of human sin. We preach Christ having been raised from the dead which gives us the sure and certain hope of our own forthcoming resurrection into a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.

The members of St John Lutheran Church gather to hear God’s Word; His Law shows us our sin and His Gospel shows us our Savior, Jesus Christ, who has paid the debt of our sin and has set us free to be His people in every part of our lives. We gather to be strengthened in the faith which has been given to us by the work of God the Holy Spirit by means of His gracious gifts. 

We invite you to join us to learn more about the God who created us, who acted in the person and work of His Son to redeem us, and who continues to work strengthening our faith and enabling us to live according to His will.

What Can I Expect?

You will be greeted at the door by one of our members. Please do not hesitate to ask for a full copy of the service. They are available just for you to aid you as we walk through the liturgical service. Once you take your seat you are encouraged to look through the service, find the hymns, the scripture lessons, as well as the prayer of the day, known as the Collect. Take in the beauty of our sanctuary which is designed to draw your eye to Christ on the cross. Ponder the tremendous sacrifice that secured for us forgiveness of sins.

As the service begins the pastor will gives some brief announcements and the service is underway. We have three parts to the Divine Service: the Service of Confession and Absolution, the Service of the Word, and the Service of the Sacrament. We begin by confessing our unworthiness to come into the presence of God and He graciously forgives us through the called and ordained servant, the Pastor. We hear His Word, both Law and Gospel, again hearing of our unworthiness as sinners and of His grace as a “God, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.” Finally, the service culminates in the Sacrament of the Altar. If you are asked not to commune please understand this request comes from a sincere desire not to see you harmed. For more information, you may be asked to speak with the pastor so that he can steer you through what God’s Word says about what happens at the altar.

We sincerely desire you to join with us with your voice, your heart, and your body in thankfulness to the One God in three persons who has made Himself known in showing us mercy. 
